Emanuele Giannelli  |  Works  | 
Mr. Arbitrium Mirrored

Pushing or supporting yourself, mirroring yourself as a reinforcement but also as self-analysis


Aviatori, 2014 | Baraye, 2023 | Battaglia di Babele, 2013 | Bipedi, 2009 | Bronzi, 2020 | Bronzi due, 2020 | Cacciatore di Batteri, 2019 | Capsule Hotel, 2024 | Cervello umano, 2023 | Contemporary thought, 2017 | Dizzy 3. ZERO, 2022 | Dizzy two, 2014 | Dizzy Two - bronzo, 2023 | Dizzy Two big, 2016 | Dominia, 2018 | Double skin, 2015 | Double Skin - marmo, 2021 | Dunlop man, 2017 | El Santo, 2016 | Fabbricanti di cellule staminali, 2013 | For Timothy, 1998 | Fulminati, 2023 | Giostra, 2021 | Grande viaggio, 2019 | Gravity, 2023 | Haida, 2009 | Hovo sapiens, 2014 | Humanoid, 2015 | iMonkey Tribù, 2022 | Korf 17, 2017 | Korf 17 giant, 2017 | Korf 17 small, 2017 | Lady F., 2021 | Lady F. 2/3, 2024 | Lady F. 2/3 (raku), 2024 | Macchina volante, 2022 | Magic mushroom, 2019 | Major Tom, 2017 | Mr. Arbitrium, 2021 | Mr. Arbitrium - bronzo, 2021 | Mr. Arbitrium Mirrored, 2023 | Mr. Kiribati, 2016 | Mr. Kiribati small, 2014 | Nine Inch Nails, 2020 | Obbiettivo comune, 2020 | Pankow, 2018 | Polaroid, 2015 | Radio Tower, 2020 | Raku, 2021 | Self portrait, 2017 | si men thal, 2020 | Sig. Jeak, 2014 | So wath, 2014 | Soldato Daz, 2015 | Sospesi, 2013 | Sospesi piccoli, 2022 | Stati di allerta, 2017 | Stati di allerta big, 2017 | Studio per Burning man Festival, 2020 | The Dreamer, 2019 | The Watcher, 2020 | Totemthoot, 2022 | Totemthoot - bronzo, 2022 | Uomo Aquilone, 2022 | Visionari, 2012 | Visionari big, 2016 | Waiting for play, 2018 | Xtopia Tribù, 2019 |

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